It keeps walking and it won’t look forward
It seeks the cracks in complacently
It’s cold fingers grip on the human emotion
The Overpressure – The Overpressure
It sparks terror on the would around it
It calls vengeance a legitimate thing
The People pray to their new false idol
The Overpressure – The Overpressure
STOP! Stop shouting
STOP! Stop fighting
STOP! Stop advancing
The Overpressure
The Overpressure wants us all
The people bring it all their sacrifices
It swallows up everything it can see
The faithful blind to it’s final solution
The Overpressure – The Overpressure
STOP! Stop shouting
STOP! Stop fighting
STOP! Stop advancing
The Overpressure
The Overpressure wants us all
You won’t see it ’till it comes down on you
Pneumatic soul crushing fighting machines
Summoned from the well of our human desires
The Overpressure – The Overpressure
STOP! Stop pushing
STOP! Stop shooting
STOP! Stop hating
STOP! Stop killing
STOP! Stop shooting
STOP! Stop fighting
STOP! Stop advancing
The Overpressure
The Overpressure wants us all
Copyright Seven Graylands/The Tic Tok Men 2001
UPC: N/A Availability: Out of print. Licensing: ASCAP (Title Code – 321088873) |
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